Oceano Azul Foundation will attend United Nations’ The Ocean Conference, in New York, on 5-9 June 2017. This conference, which is held at the highest level, reflects the major relevance of this issue on the international agenda, and its main goal is to help creating conditions to implement the Sustainable Development Goal 14, which is dedicated to oceans sustainability.
This film, produced by the BBC, has been presented at the opening of The Ocean Conference.
Oceano Azul Foundation has taken, since its beginning, an active participation in this event, which has granted financing the participation of Small Island Developing States representatives in the Conference and the presentation, alongside Oceanário de Lisboa, of a set of Voluntary Commitments, in order to grant more sustainability to the ocean. These commitments are composed by events and initiatives in Azores, in Marine Protected Areas and literacy programs concerning the sea, among others, and they are aligned with the mission of Oceano Azul Foundation, that includes raising awareness and building capacity for ocean sustainability, in a time of such great threats.
These are some of Oceano Azul Foundation commitments in this Conference:
- Oceano Azul Foundation
- Blue Azores (a network of Marine Protected Areas)
- Support for the work of WWF Mediterrâneo
- Support for the work of the Ocean Alive (Portugal) in the Sado River Estuary
- Oceanário de Lisboa Ocean Conservation Program
- Oceanário de Lisboa Ocean Education Program
- Global Partnership to improve management effectiveness and sustainability of a global portfolio of Marine Protected Areas and Locally Managed Marine Areas
The Foundation is also the co-host of another event, parallel to The Ocean Conference – alongside Global Ocean Forum, Ocean Policy Research Institute and Sasakawa Peace Foundation – dedicated to settle a joint strategy for the ocean, the climate and the blue economy. Articulation between these key issues is pivotal to assure a productive and sustainable ocean.
Throughout the Conference, Oceano Azul Foundation holds several bilateral meetings with the purpose of reinforcing its already wide network of international partners.
This is a unique moment to join efforts and protect the ocean.
The Foundation has been involved in this United Nations Summit since its preparatory meeting, in February 2017, with the presence of the Oceano Azul Foundation CEO, Tiago Pitta e Cunha, as keynote speaker on the latest meeting of the Group of the Friends of the Oceans and Seas of the United Nations, which is attended by 40 Member-States.
The Foundation believes The Ocean Conference is a pivotal check-point towards the Planet’s sustainability and it is fully commited to contribute to its success.
Watch it live here: http://webtv.un.org/