Month Of The Sea

United in a wave of change.

United in a wave of change, the Corpo Nacional de Escutas (CNE), the Associação de Guias de Portugal (AGP), the Associação de Escoteiros de Portugal (AEP), and the Associação Juventude Adventista (AJA), with the support of Oceano Azul Foundation and Oceanário de Lisboa, celebrated the “Month of the Sea”, during November.

The initiative is a practical opportunity for young people to learn about pollution and ocean protection through coastal clean-up actions. The volunteers do not just clean up beaches, rivers, and streams, but also take with them lessons for everyday life.

More than 3500 young people joined forces in more than 80 actions, along approximately 83 km of coastal area, collecting 13,5 tonnes of marine litter.

Find on the map below the groups, companies, and clubs that joined this unique national movement in 2023, and the results of each clean-up activity.

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