Selvagens Islands Nature Reserve

The expansion of the Selvagens Islands Nature Reserve created the largest fully protected Marine Protected Area in the North Atlantic.

The expansion of the Selvagens Islands Nature Reserve created the largest fully protected Marine Protected Area in the North Atlantic. The protection of this area, one of the most pristine in the North Atlantic, will allow the promotion of economic development in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, through the valuation of its natural capital.


Following the expansion of the protection surrounding the waters of the Selvagens Islands Nature Reserve, it is crucial to effectively implement and monitor the Marine Protected Area (MPA). An effective MPA is fundamental to ensure the integrity of ecosystems, increase marine biodiversity, genetic richness, and the reproductive capacity of species, including many of commercial interest. By valuing the blue natural capital, it will be possible to continue marine conservation throughout the entire North Atlantic.



  • – 2 scientific expeditions, several scientific reports and studies supporting marine protection, and valuation of the area;
  • – The creation of the largest marine protected area with full protection in the North Atlantic (2677 km2 in an area of 12 nautical miles around the Selvagens Islands);
  • – All species are now fully protected against all extractive activities including, but not limited to, fishing and mining.


In September 2015, a 10-day expedition by National Geographic Pristine Seas was organised to Ilhas Selvagens (Madeira, Portugal,  with the support of Waitt Foundation. This was a comprehensive survey of this remote archipelago underwater ecosystems, from shallow to deep waters. The results of this expedition are an important input in the argument for increasing the protected area in the marine reserve.


In partnership with the Regional Government of Madeira, National Geographic Pristine Seas, Foundation Prince Albert, and Waitt Institute.

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